Украина, 04053, г. Киев, ул. Ю. Коцюбинского, 9-А, ІІ корпус, 5 этаж.
График работы: Пн-Пт 8.00-18.00
самая современная диагностика болезней


Dear Prof. Aleksandr Shulyak,

Our Scientific Congress Office receives thousands of abstracts in the run-up to the Annual EAU Congress. To make sure yours is accepted, we would like to give you some useful advice for preparing your abstract!

An abstract is a shortened version of the first draft of a paper. Why should you be interested in submitting one?

  • It provides the first chance for you to announce and cite the preliminary findings of your study. In this case at Europe’s largest urological congress.
  • It allows you to communicate your findings to your colleagues and get their feedback.
  • It is the starting point for achieving the ultimate aim of a research project, the writing and publishing of a full paper in peer-reviewed literature.

For advice on contents, structure and general advice on creating the best possible abstract,please read more on the Congress Website!

You have until November 1st, 23:59 Central European Time (UTC+1) to submit yours. Be sure to check what that means for your local time, for instance with the time zone converter.